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Converting Documents with Comments

· 3 min read
Nabih Metri
Nabih Metri
Document Filters Product Manager

In software development, where every line of code counts, the Hyland Document Filters SDK is a beacon of efficiency for the document conversion process. This SDK is crafted to streamline the document conversion solution, ensuring that embedded comments—the lifeblood of project collaboration, packed with critical feedback and key insights—are not just preserved, but seamlessly integrated into the converted documents. It’s a solution that resonates with the developer community, offering a way to enhance digital workflows with precision and ease. By incorporating this SDK, developers can confidently tackle the document conversion process, armed with the assurance that the collaborative essence of the documents remains intact, bolstering the robustness of their applications.

Watch as we walk through the code of how Hyland Document Filters can be used to convert a Word document to a PDF while preserving its comments.

Converting Documents with Comments

Explore how Hyland Document Filters effortlessly transforms Word documents with comments into PDFs, preserving all comments for seamless information sharing.

Hyland Document Filters - Converting Documents with Comments Demo

Running the Document Filters Samples

You can try out various features using the Document Filters sample apps on GitHub.

To get started with the Document Filters sample applications:

  1. Clone or download the Document Filters sample repo from GitHub.
  2. Update the Document Filters license key by either modifying the DocumentFiltersLicense file or setting it in an environment variable named DF_LICENSE_KEY.
  3. Build Document Filters Samples.sln and run the ConvertDocumentWithComments app, while passing in an input document.

Add Document Filters to an Existing App

Once you're ready to integrate Document Filters into your application, you can follow these guides:

Document Filters Evaluation

Document Filters Resources